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Henry Santos headshot

Contact an Expert

Henry Santos

Senior Applications Specialist - 2 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 400 to 2000 SCFM capacity
  • 2" to 4" NPT inlet/outlet ports
  • 3/8" to 1/2" drain ports
  • 120°F max inlet temperature
  • 232 PSIG max pressure
  • R404a refrigerant
  • ISO Class 4 - 5


The Altec AIR DX Series digital scroll refrigerated air dryer is designed with the ability to match the power consumption in direct proportion to the current heat load of the air dryer. The digital scroll design combined with capacity modulation control means power consumption is reduced (up to 90%). The DX series delivers consistent and reliable dry air (ISO class 4 - 5).