Troubleshooting Common Problems With Air Pressure Loss

by Matt Mazanec

Some of the most common troubleshooting questions fielded by our team revolve around air pressure loss in compressor systems. While many believe this problem indicates the need for an entirely new air compressor, that's not always the case. 

Here are some often-repeated conversations that might help you identify the problem within your system:

Customer: I don't have enough pressure in the far end of my warehouse. I need a new compressor.

Answer: What size air lines do you have, and are the lines looped with one another? Let's take a closer look at the pipes before placing a new order. 

Customer: I don't need an storage tank, I use my air lines for storage. 

Answer: Tanks should be used to help with the energy efficiency of your compressor. Air lines are used to distribute air evenly throughout the plant, and without a tank your compressor may fast cycle in a way that creates higher energy and maintenance costs. 

Customer: What size air line should I install with a 25 horsepower rotary screw air compressor? The manual says it's 100 CFM. 

Answer: We recommend reviewing our pipe sizing chart to identify your exact needs. 

Have lingering questions or want some additional information on one of the answers listed above? Reach out to our team of air compressor experts by calling 866-778-6572 or sending an email to