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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • Features a Flexible Hybrid PVC Construction
  • Lays Flat, Even in Cold Environments
  • Easy Roll out and Storage
  • Resists Kinking
  • Temperature Range: -40°F to +140°F
  • 300 psi Working Pressure
  • High Quality Brass Fittings Provide Strong & Durable Connection


Coilhose Pneumatics Yellow Belly™ Hybrid PVC Air Hose is constructed of a lightweight, durable Hybrid PVC material, and offers an excellent alternative to the traditional rubber air hose. Yellow Belly™ remains flexible even in cold temperatures, lies flat to prevent tripping hazards, and rolls out and stores well.