Air Piping & Kits
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Henry Santos headshot

Contact an Expert

Henry Santos

Senior Applications Specialist - 2 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 86 to 140°F adjustable temperature
  • 3/8" or 1/2" pipe size
  • 115 VAC / 60 Hz +/–10 % voltage
  • 16 bar maximum operating pressure
  • Includes line cord 8.2 ft(2.5m) with US-plug
  • Encapsulated corrosion-free stainless-steel heating cartridges


The BEKO CLEARPOINT Threaded Compressed Air Heater warms up the compressed air to the temperature needed by the application and also protects compressed air consumers by reducing the relative humidity. Temperature is adjustable from 30 to +60 °C, allowing the best operating conditions at the final point of use.