Air Piping & Kits
Condensate Management
Tank Accessories

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Matt Mazanec

Founder & Manager - 24 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 5 to 15 HP
  • 18 to 44 CFM capacity
  • Industrial grade electric drive motor
  • Centrifugal unloader
  • Discharge cooling manifold
  • Inner stage cooler
  • Multiplexing capability
  • Self tensioning electric motor base
  • Rigid steel frame construction
  • Extended oil drain tube


The Industrial Gold Cube Series two stage piston air compressor allows the purchase of a functioning compressor without having to purchase an air receiver. If the site already has a certified functional air receiver the Cube Series compressor can simply be installed next to the existing tank and connect the air discharge line. A stand-alone tank can be added to the system if there is no existing tank or if the tank is no longer certified or functional. 

The Industrial Gold Platinum package makes the compressor simpler to maintain while delivering higher quality air. The Platinum package includes all basic features, as well as a belt guard-mounted air aftercooler, low oil monitor, high-temperature stainless steel flex discharge line, and vibration isolation mounting pads.