Air Piping & Kits
Condensate Management
Tank Accessories

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Tara Samuel headshot

Contact an Expert

Tara Samuel

Order Management Specialist - 10 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • Shock mounts
  • Silencer
  • Thermal protector (120°C)
  • Main application fields: dentistry, medical devices, hobbies and light industry applications.


The ZB series piston pump with direct current motor is specifically designed for dentistry, medical devices, hobbies and light industry applications. The design structure requires the installation of the pump in safe environments. No downtime is required because the unit operates in continuous duty (S1). The fixing distance is unchanged from the previous series. The noise level is enhanced.