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  • Maximum capacity: 1300 CFM
  • Maximum pressure: 232 PSI
  • 1/4in to 3in NPT connection size options
  • Utilizes line filters
  • Low pressure drop
  • Centrifugal effect


The Hertz HF WS Series is a line of water separators with a maximum capacity of 1300 CFM and a maximum operating pressure of 232 PSI. They are designed to remove liquid water an some particulates in compressed air at the compressor outlet. The centrifugal effect separates any heavier-than-air matter and the low pressure drop allows for energy efficiency. Line filters should be used to remove unwanted substances left in the compressed air after the water separators.

In Stock

Manufacturer Stock

Part Number Price Available
HG WS US 175
$174.25 11 in stock
HG WS US 350
$273.70 8 in stock
HG WS US 120
$174.25 7 in stock
$112.20 6 in stock
$112.20 2 in stock
HG WS US 700
$658.75 1 in stock

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