Air Piping & Kits
Condensate Management
Tank Accessories

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Tara Samuel headshot

Contact an Expert

Tara Samuel

Order Management Specialist - 10 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 350 to 2000CFM models available
  • Factory pre-plumbed and leak tested
  • Internal decompression chamber
  • Six inlets for multiple compressors or other downstream components
  • Gravity flow
  • 10 ppm or less carryover throughout the life of the unit


The Clean Resources IDC Series oil water separator utilizes proprietary alumina silicate substrate media beds that adsorb all compressor-based lubricants, including silicone, polyalkylene glycol (PAGs), and food grade. Lubricant molecules attract to the proprietary substrate media bed, permanently bonding and eliminating groundwater contamination.

Each IDC Series separator supports up to six simultaneously connected compressors or downstream devices.