Air Piping & Kits
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Matt Mazanec headshot

Contact an Expert

Matt Mazanec

Founder & Manager - 24 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 350 to 3700 SCFM flow rates
  • 120°F max inlet air temperature
  • 150 PSIG max operating pressure
  • Valves:
    • 350 to 450 SCFM models: angle seat valves
    • 600 to 3700 SCFM models: non-lubricated butterfly valves
  • ISO 8573.1: 2010 Air Quality 2 to 4 (-40 to 37°F)
  • Skid mounted design


The Hankison HCD Series Heat of Compression Desiccant Air Dryer is an energy-efficient solution that removes moisture from compressed air and delivers high-quality air. The dryer uses thermal energy generated during the air compression process to regenerate the off-line desiccant bed, which reduces operating costs and turns "waste heat" into energy savings. It is ideal for oil-free air compressors.

The HCD Series controller features a diagnostic system that provides real-time operating status, fault conditions, and service due messages. The controller is equipped with an RS232 communications port and Modbus registers for remote monitoring.