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Michael Rotondo headshot

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Michael Rotondo

Senior Applications Specialist - 2 years at Compressor World

Our experts are highly rated and specialize in a variety of compressed air applications; industrial, food & beverage, medical, lab, and remediation.

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Mon - Fri / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST



  • 40 to 1,500 SCFM capacity
  • 1/2" to 2 1/2" NPT
  • 232 PSIG pressure rating
  • 122°F maximum operating temperature
  • 12 month estimated cartridge life
  • Inlet air quality requirements:
    • 0.01 micron maximum particulate size
    • -40°F maximum pressure dew point
    • 0.05 mg/m3 maximum oil content


The nano-purification solutions NVR Oil Vapor Removal Dryer uses activated carbon towers to reduce oil vapor and odor from any compressed air system. When matched to inlet conditions, the unit delivers air quality to ISO 8573-1 (class 1 for oil). The dryer system is manufactured from high quality extruded aluminum, and the modular design maintains effective operation for air quality for a minimum of 12 months' operation.

The dryer utilizes an adsorbent filled activated carbon cartridge, complete with integral diffusers and a built-in 1 micron dust filter as standard, eliminating the need for external downstream filtration. The unit can be installed in the compressor room or at the point of use to protect critical applications and personnel. The dryer is snowstorm filled.